Newsflash 24/9/2019
Wakefield Park is on this weekend and is a round of our championship. However, there are no Formula Juniors entered, which is a sad state of affairs indeed.
The next championship event is Sandown on 26/27 October and so far only 3 Juniors have entered. These are David Reid in his Cooper, Kim Shearn in his Lotus and Richard Nitschke in his Elfin. We need more, as does the entire M&O category. We are in great danger of being merged with other categories if we can’t maintain our numbers. We are already seeing Group O being merged with Q&R at some meetings and it won’t be long before Group M ends up in the same boat.
It is not feasible to combine Group M with Q&R because of the speed differential, which means we will end up with Group L as the only alternative. This is already occurring at some meetings and is far from ideal. So, please consider Sandown as your next event – entries close on 30 September. Failing that, the last event for the year is Eastern Creek on 30 November/1 December.
I hope to see you there.
Noel Bryen
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