Annual Trophies
The Committee shall nominate certain events at different circuits in states of WA, NSW, QLD, SA and VIC. each year, where points will be awarded to each competitor for results gained in each scratch race, with the 4 best event results counting toward each annual Trophy.
Competitors Cars shall be divided into 4 categories
- FJ1F – Front engine Formula Junior
- FJ1R – Rear engine drum brake Formula Junior
- FJ2R – Rear engine disc brake Formula Junior
- F3 – Formula 3 cars built 1964-1969
Points shall be awarded for each race and for each category, namely FJ1F, FJ1R, FJ2R and F3, and the competitor with the highest number of points in FJ and F3 categories shall win their respective annual trophies.
The AFJA Aussie Car Trophy shall be awarded to the FJ competitor with the highest points for an Australian built car that did not win the “Leo Geoghegan” Formula Junior Trophy, and in the event of a draw in any category, the trophy shall be awarded to the older driver.
- 1st Position 10 points
- 2nd 8
- 3rd 6
- 4th 4
- 5th 2
- 6th 1
- All other competitors 1
Each car contesting the annual Trophy Series shall have first been certified by the AFJA as suitable for competition following receipt of a copy CAMS Certificate of Description or, a current application for same, or overseas equivalent.
During the conduct of the Trophy Series, any car found to have specifications different to the Certificate of Description previously supplied by the cars owner, that is in contravention of the published qualifications for that Formula herein, shall be excluded from the point score.
Each Perpetual Trophy winner shall be presented with the trophy, together with a smaller version suitably inscribed for retention by the winner.
AFJA “Leo Geoghegan” Perpetual Trophy

1999 Gary Ryan (Vic), driving a Lola MK3/Lotus 22
2000 Geoff Fry (NSW), driving a Jolus
2001 Murray Bryden (Vic), driving a MRC 22
2002 Nick McDonald (Vic), driving a Brabham BT2
2003 Murray Bryden (Vic), driving a MRC 22
2004 Jonathan Williamson (WA), driving a Lotus 22
2005 Jonathan Williamson (WA), driving a Lotus 22
2006 Murray Bryden (Vic), driving a MRC 22
2007 Don Thallon (Qld), driving a T56 Cooper
2008 Kim Shearn (Vic), driving a Lotus 18
2009 Don Thallon (Qld), driving a MRC 22
2010 Peter Strauss (Vic), driving a Brabham BT6
2011 Don Thallon (Qld), driving a MRC 22
2012 Bill Hemming (Vic), driving an Elfin
2013 Roger Ealand (Qld), driving a Gemini/Lotus/Rennmax/Koala
2014 Don Thallon (Qld), driving a MRC 22
2015 Bill Norman (NSW), driving a Lynx
2016 Bill Norman (NSW), driving a Lynx
2017 Noel Bryen (NSW), driving a Rennmax
2018 Noel Bryen (NSW), driving a Rennmax
2019 Max Pegram (Vic), driving a Gemini Mk I
AFJA “Aussie Car” Perpetual Trophy
(previously RetireInvest and AON)
Donated by Geoff Fry & Associates Pty. Ltd. and awarded annually to highest placed Australian built car.

2001 Murray Bryden (Vic), driving a MRC 22
2002 Graham Brown (Qld), driving a Lynx
2003 Murray Bryden (Vic), driving a MRC 22
2004 Wayne Wilson (NSW), driving the Donford
2005 Murray Bryden (Vic), driving a MRC 22
2006 Murray Bryden (Vic), driving a MRC 22
2007 Mike Gosbell (NSW), driving the Donford
2008 Don Thallon (QLD), driving the MRC 22
2009 Geoff Medley (NSW), driving the Nota BMC
2010 Don Thallon (Qld), driving a MRC 22
2011 Robert Buckley (Qld), driving the Golford
2012 Roger Ealand (NSW), driving the Koala & Rennmax
2013 Bill Hemming (Vic), driving a Elfin
2014 Don Thallon (Qld), driving a MRC 22
2015 Bill Norman (NSW), driving a Lynx
2016 Noel Bryen (NSW), driving a Rennmax
2017 Rob Buckley (QLD), driving a Golford
2018 Rob Buckley (QLD), driving a Golford
2019 Bill Hemming (Vic), driving an Elfin & Richard Nitschke
Nereo Dizane 1 litre F3 Perpetual Memorial Trophy
donated by Mrs Dizane

2008 Ed Holly (NSW), driving a Brabham BT15
2009 Ed Holly (NSW), driving a Brabham BT15
2010 trophy not contested
2011 Victoria Legallais (NSW), driving a Brabham BT15
2012 Victoria Legallais (NSW), driving a Brabham BT15
2013 Peter Barclay (ACT), driving a Brabham BT15
2014 Peter Barclay (ACT), driving a Brabham BT15
2015 Peter Barclay (ACT), driving a Brabham BT15
2016 Paul Littler (QLD), driving a Brabham BT15
2017 trophy not contested
2018 Allan Conway (QLD), driving a Brabham BT15
2019 trophy not contested